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Wilson Dribbler NBA Chicago Bulls mini Kosárlabda

2 990 Ft 2 390 Ft
Az új Wilson Dribbler NBA Chicago Bulls minilabdával a szurkolók még nagyobb szenvedélyt mutathatnak a chicagói csapat iránt. A gumiból készült labda rendkívül tartós és jól pattog. Használható a kezek...

Wilson NBA AUTHENTIC SERIES outdoor basketball

11 990 Ft
Wilson NBA AUTHENTIC SERIES outdoor basketball. From the 2021/22 NBA season, the Wilson ball will be used in the world's strongest league. This ball is the outdoor version of the...

Wilson NBA AUTHENTIC SERIES outdoor basketball

12 990 Ft
Wilson NBA AUTHENTIC SERIES outdoor basketball. From the 2021/22 NBA season, the Wilson ball will be used in the world's strongest league. This ball is the outdoor version of the...

Wilson FIBA 3x3 Game basketball

18 990 Ft
One of our coolest basketballs. Go for the three-pointer!